Have you heard any of these before? Myths about renovation are all over the place in the construction industry, and here are 20 of the most common ones:
1. DIY Saves You Money
If you know what you’re doing, tackling projects yourself can save you money, but if you don’t, it can be a costly mistake.
2. You Don’t Need a Permit for Minor Renovations
While some cosmetic changes don’t require a permit, many renovations, even small ones, require some sort of permit, so always check just to be safe.
3. Contractors Don’t Need Liability Insurance If the Building Owner Has It
Even if you have your own liability insurance, always make sure your contractor has their own, otherwise you won’t be protected.
4. You Need to Pay Your Contractor 100% Up-front
While most contractors will require a deposit, most won’t require that you pay them in full up-front.
5. Paying Cash Is Always Cheaper
Beware of special cash-only deals as they may lead to disreputable practices.
6. You Don’t Need a Licensed Electrician to Do Your Wiring
Beware of non-licensed electricians who claim that they can do electrical work, as they may not be following proper electrical safety code.
7. Buying Your Own Materials Saves You Money
Contractors often get better deals on materials than the average consumer because they have established buying relationships with suppliers.
8. Cheap Materials Are the Way to Go
While cheap materials may save money up front, they may lead to long-term problems that cost you more money in the future.
9. The Most Expensive Materials Are the Best
The best materials are not the ones with the highest price tag, but the ones that are properly suited to the job at hand.
10. Environmentally Friendly Renovations Are Not Affordable
While some green products may cost you more up-front, they may end up saving you money in the long run.
11. All Woods are Created Equal
Each type of wood has its own unique qualities, so make sure you choose the right type of wood for each job.
12. The Cheapest Contractor Is the Best Deal
As with materials, the cheapest price is not always the best deal in the long run.
13. The Most Expensive Contractor Will Do the Best Work
Similarly, a higher bid doesn’t necessarily lead to the highest quality of work.
14. Projects Always End up Over-budget
Don’t believe everything you see on TV! While over-budget projects are great for creating TV drama, in the real world, many projects are finished either on budget or under budget.
15. Projects Always Take Longer than You Think
The same applies to time – while some renovations will run into issues that can’t be avoided, most contractors will over-estimate the time required for a project in anticipation that issues will arise.
16. You Have to Leave Your Office Space During Renovation
Depending on the nature of the project, you may be able to use your office space as normal throughout the course of the renovation.
17. Renovation Is Noisy and Intrusive
Again, depending on the nature of the project, there are many measures contractors can take to reduce the intrusiveness of renovation work so that people can go about their jobs with minimal interruptions.
18. Construction Sites Aren’t Safe for Employees
Construction companies place the utmost importance on employee safety, and your employees are no exception.
19. If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It
Renovating outdated spaces, even if nothing’s broken, can be a great way to boost the value of your property and create a space that gives a better impression to both employees and clients.
20. Duct Tape Fixes Everything
While duct tape is extremely handy, using it to stick a broken table back together is not an adequate long-term solution!
1. DIY Saves You Money
If you know what you’re doing, tackling projects yourself can save you money, but if you don’t, it can be a costly mistake.
2. You Don’t Need a Permit for Minor Renovations
While some cosmetic changes don’t require a permit, many renovations, even small ones, require some sort of permit, so always check just to be safe.
3. Contractors Don’t Need Liability Insurance If the Building Owner Has It
Even if you have your own liability insurance, always make sure your contractor has their own, otherwise you won’t be protected.
4. You Need to Pay Your Contractor 100% Up-front
While most contractors will require a deposit, most won’t require that you pay them in full up-front.
5. Paying Cash Is Always Cheaper
Beware of special cash-only deals as they may lead to disreputable practices.
6. You Don’t Need a Licensed Electrician to Do Your Wiring
Beware of non-licensed electricians who claim that they can do electrical work, as they may not be following proper electrical safety code.
7. Buying Your Own Materials Saves You Money
Contractors often get better deals on materials than the average consumer because they have established buying relationships with suppliers.
8. Cheap Materials Are the Way to Go
While cheap materials may save money up front, they may lead to long-term problems that cost you more money in the future.
9. The Most Expensive Materials Are the Best
The best materials are not the ones with the highest price tag, but the ones that are properly suited to the job at hand.
10. Environmentally Friendly Renovations Are Not Affordable
While some green products may cost you more up-front, they may end up saving you money in the long run.
11. All Woods are Created Equal
Each type of wood has its own unique qualities, so make sure you choose the right type of wood for each job.
12. The Cheapest Contractor Is the Best Deal
As with materials, the cheapest price is not always the best deal in the long run.
13. The Most Expensive Contractor Will Do the Best Work
Similarly, a higher bid doesn’t necessarily lead to the highest quality of work.
14. Projects Always End up Over-budget
Don’t believe everything you see on TV! While over-budget projects are great for creating TV drama, in the real world, many projects are finished either on budget or under budget.
15. Projects Always Take Longer than You Think
The same applies to time – while some renovations will run into issues that can’t be avoided, most contractors will over-estimate the time required for a project in anticipation that issues will arise.
16. You Have to Leave Your Office Space During Renovation
Depending on the nature of the project, you may be able to use your office space as normal throughout the course of the renovation.
17. Renovation Is Noisy and Intrusive
Again, depending on the nature of the project, there are many measures contractors can take to reduce the intrusiveness of renovation work so that people can go about their jobs with minimal interruptions.
18. Construction Sites Aren’t Safe for Employees
Construction companies place the utmost importance on employee safety, and your employees are no exception.
19. If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It
Renovating outdated spaces, even if nothing’s broken, can be a great way to boost the value of your property and create a space that gives a better impression to both employees and clients.
20. Duct Tape Fixes Everything
While duct tape is extremely handy, using it to stick a broken table back together is not an adequate long-term solution!